Microsoft Outlook Training

Microsoft Outlook Training

E-mail overload is something facing most managers and employees in the workplace today. Without the right E-mail management strategies, managers and employees can’t manage a large inbox while focusing on the other important aspects of their daily work.
Microsoft Outlook Training

Email has become the most popular mode of business communication in Australia today. The conundrum that we all face is that in addition to making communication easier, the sheer volume and immediacy of email has made it a source of stress for many managers and staff.

Are you or your people constantly facing growing inboxes of email that leaves you overwhelmed? Why was I sent this? Do I need to read that now? Am I to action this email now or later? Also, with the growing popularity of e-mail-enabled mobile devices like the Blackberry, these frustrations only follow people home…. after hours!

  • Save time and trouble by knowing when to use email—and when not to.
  • Improve email filing and finding by following our Outlook™ strategies.
  • How to action email for the many people who don’t read well off a screen.
  • Manage your inbox efficiently by using the power of Outlook™.

Today, 97% of knowledge workers in Australia use email on a daily basis.

What’s ironic is that actual training programs on how to use email properly are quite rare. To make matters worse, many organisations don’t even offer their people printed information, training or instructions in approved email practices. And those that do have a set of simple guidelines often won’t explain the best methods for successful email management and email writing skills.

The one-day Zero Inbox!© seminar is designed to introduce managers and staff at all levels to the important aspects of skillful email management (using MS Outlook™), as well as learning the art of effectively writing and responding to email. It’s important to remember that writing email doesn’t cancel the old rules of good writing etiquette.

In Zero Inbox!© seminar, we focus on what matters most in organising, sorting, writing and using email so that this ever-demanding and increasing communication medium works better for you and your organisation every day.

Through real-world email writing exercises and a live demonstration of Outlook™, participants learn how to control their email more effectively and efficiently, while writing an email that gets read and actioned.

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