Leadership Training

Leadership Training

For the past decade the seven pillars of management has been considered by many people to be the finest, two-day management and leadership development program in Australia. If developing the skills of your managers and employees is important, then we urge you to take a few moments and look through the core content and curriculum of this amazing Australian management and leadership training program.
Leadership Training

You’ll learn how to become one of the most effective managers in your organisation

Several years ago we conducted an intensive research project to determine the management competencies that are essential for being an effective manager within the Australian workplace.

Our research revealed seven core competencies that are common when managers make extraordinary things happen within their team or within their business. We call these competencies The 7 Pillars of Management©

This 2-day Australian-developed management program takes a strengths-based approach to developing managers through a hands-on, interactive and highly engaging learning experience.

Managers at all levels discover how to develop a clear understanding of their own competencies as well as how to use a set of powerful assessments, tools, templates, systems and easy-to-implement processes to build a personal, actionable management plan that builds on their strengths, and helps them become an EVEN BETTER manager and leader.

Pillar #1: – Managing Expectations

A vital trait of all managers is to understand the expectations that are placed upon them by their managers and organisations. By taking a critical look at their organisation and their role, managers will be better able to define their purpose and workplace expectations.

• Defining the expectations of today’s managers. Case Study: Management versus Leadership.
• Technical, human and conceptual skills. Which skills guarantee promotion, opportunities and recognition? Which end in more hard work?
• The effective manager: A self-assessment of the essential 24 traits, skills and attributes of all highly successful Australian managers.

Pillar #2: – Managing Operations

The single most important skill of all managers is to ensure that their efforts and energy are committed towards the achievement of their annual KRA’s (Key Result Areas). During this session participants will be shown how to identify, clearly break down and set out their management objectives.

• Discovering why you are on the payroll. As a manager what have you been employed to accomplish?
• Identifying your 4 KRA’s (Key Result Areas) and how to focus more of your time on the strategy and goals of your team.
• Using a Balanced Scorecard Model to turn objectives into attainable and measurable objectives.
• How to set a clear vision, direction and then achievable goals for your team.

Pillar #3: – Managing Yourself (GETTING THINGS DONE)

It’s impossible for a manager to manage an effective team and to achieve their goals if they are not highly organised. This pillar looks at the importance of personal productivity, time management and day-to-day organisational skills.

• Strategic personal planning. How to start every day with greater clarity and focus.
• Identifying the biggest time wasters and blockages for today’s busy managers.
• How to apply the famous “Triage” prioritising system to balance important and the urgent tasks.
• Proven techniques to gain up to an hour of time a day, every day in any workplace!

Pillar #4: – Managing E.Q. (EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE)

Once it was thought that intelligence was the best indicator of success. Emotional Intelligence has opened many people’s eyes to the fact that EQ or emotional quotient holds the key to personal well-being and leadership effectiveness.

• Why having a high EQ is essential for success as a manager.
• Measuring EQ. Why are some managers more emotionally intelligent and what you can do to raise your level of personal emotional intelligence.
• Enhance your emotional intelligence and your capacity to effectively perceive, express, understand, and manage your emotions at work.
• Using your EQ with your team, your customers, your manager. Learn how to get more accomplished by understanding how to bring out the best in others and yourself.


A manager’s most important and often most difficult role is to manage people. Discover which leadership styles are the most effective in bringing out the best in your team.

• What style of manager are you? Is your current management style appropriate for your team?
• Identifying the common pitfalls of managing team performance and productivity.
• What really motivates your team? When to coach, mentor and when to counsel.
• Bring out the best in your team and increase their personal and team performance.


By being able to gain greater control of the information and delegation, you will learn powerful new systems for managing e-mail, documentation and improving your delegation skills.

• How to organise your work area so you are always in control at work.
• A simple test for identifying your key information requirements.
• Best practice solutions for managing electronic or paper information.
• Effective delegation. How to spend less time working “in your team” and more time working “on your team.” Learn the proven 4-step delegation method.


The work-life balancing act – it’s getting harder. Balancing life and work is a major issue for most Australian managers. Find out how it’s possible to have a successful career and a fulfilling personal life during this last pillar.

• Are you experiencing work-life balance? Are you out of balance? Find out.
• The “Wheel of Life”. How this life balance tool helps you put your life in perspective.
• Enjoy greater meaning and purpose with a range of “instant life-balance” tools.
• BONUS. Your personal SWOT. Developing a plan for future-proofing your career.


Gain a deeper understanding of the roles and responsibilities of an effective manager and inspiring leader in your organisation.
How to improve your communication and how to set realistic expectations for your team members to follow.
Learn to adapt your leadership style to meet the needs of your individual team members.

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